

“能听懂”对应的英文单词有:three-skilled sentences ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

three-skilled sentences能听懂


能听懂中国话吗Chinese words you can understand;Can you understand Chinese;Steven W. Mosher understood

好像能听懂seemed to understand

如果你能听懂英语If you can understand English

我们都能听懂We can understand;We all can understand;We can all understand

我能听懂Me comprendre;Me understand;Je peux comprendre

能听懂吗Can you understand;Can understand it;Listen to understand

你能听懂嘛Well you can understand;Can you understand why;You will be able to understand

你能听懂西班牙语Can you understand Spain language;Your understood Spain language;You can understand Spanish;spanish you can understand

你能听懂英语you can understand english