“强弱”对应的英文单词有: strong and weak 强弱指标RSI;relative strength index 强弱奏鸣曲Sonata pian e forte 强弱度Strong and Weak;LEVEL 强弱指数RSI;Relative Strength Indicator 弱强弱Messa di voce 相对强弱relative strength;RS;RSI 咳嗽强弱cough intensity 强弱排序pecking order与强弱相关的短语
“强弱”对应的英文单词有: strong and weak 强弱指标RSI;relative strength index 强弱奏鸣曲Sonata pian e forte 强弱度Strong and Weak;LEVEL 强弱指数RSI;Relative Strength Indicator 弱强弱Messa di voce 相对强弱relative strength;RS;RSI 咳嗽强弱cough intensity 强弱排序pecking order与强弱相关的短语