

“茅台”对应的英文单词有:maotai ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

maotaiMaotai () is a town in the north of Guizhou province, known as the production site of maotai wine and located on the southeast (right) bank of the Chishui River (赤水河). It is under the administration of Renhuai City, , it has five residential communities (社区) and eight villages under its administration.


茅台威士忌Moutai Whiskey

茅台数学Mao Tai Mathematics

茅台酒厂Moutai Distillery

贵州茅台Kweichow Moutai;Kweichow Moutai Liquor;Kweichow;Moutai

茅台镇mao tai Town

茅台混鱼龙Mixosaurus maotaiensis

国酒茅台mao tai

茅台灶mao tai Kitchen

茅台五粮液Mask off Remix