

“工频”对应的英文单词有:power frequency ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

power frequency电源频率,工业频率,市电频率;工频


工频焊industry frequency welding

工频恢复电压power frequency recovery voltage

工频电场测定Measurement of power-frequency electric fields

工频耐压水平power frequency withstand voltage

工频交流VAC;industry frequency alternate current

工频耐压试验Frequency voltage withstand test;Test of power-frequency withstand voltag;Working frequency pressure test;Power-Frequency Withstand Voltage Test

工频噪声industrial frequency noise

工频耐受电压Power frequency withstand voltage

工频试验变压器power frequency testing transformer

工频跳火电压power frequency sparkover voltage

工频电流power current

工频无芯感应炉power frequency sparkover voltage

工频同步work frequency synchronously

工频牵引[铁路] industrial frequency traction