

“如鱼得水”对应的英文单词有:as a duck takes to the water、feel just like a fish in water、like a duck to water、as fish getting to the water、as if the fish had got into the water again ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:

as a duck takes to the water如鱼得水

feel just like a fish in water如鱼得水

like a duck to water不犹豫地;像鸭子下水般;自然地;不惧怕地

as fish getting to the water如鱼得水

as if the fish had got into the water again如鱼得水


他让我如鱼得水He made me a fish

它让我如鱼得水It made me look like a duck in water

就像如鱼得水like a duck to water