

“劳逸结合”对应的英文单词有:alternate work with rest and recreation、alternate work with rest、combine exertion and rest、strike a proper balance between work and rest ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

alternate work with rest and recreation劳逸结合

alternate work with rest劳逸结合

combine exertion and rest劳逸结合

strike a proper balance between work and rest劳逸结合


应该劳逸结合It should be effective;Should rest

有利于劳逸结合Conducive to rest;Conducive to work and rest;conducive to effective

学习应该注重劳逸结合Learning should focus on effective;Learning should focus on rest

使劳逸结合reconcile work with rest

要注重劳逸结合We must focus on effective;Pay attention to and rest

要劳逸结合work and rest

应劳逸结合Should rest

注重劳逸结合Focus on work and rest;Focus on effective;Pay attention to and rest