

“颠沛流离”对应的英文单词有:be vagrant on account of poverty ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

be vagrant on account of poverty颠沛流离


颠沛流离或是爱别离苦Displaced or Aibie Li bitter;Displaced or love parting

命运颠沛流离Fate vagrant;Destiny displaced;The destiny drifts about destitute;Fate of the displaced

普及颠沛流离的大众Where lives were torn apart

颠沛流离命运Fate vagrant

颠沛流离、只为你vagrant, only for you;Homeless, just for you;Back and forth, just for you;Displaced only in you

人们不再颠沛流离No more lives torn apart

死亡和颠沛流离的爱love of death and turbulence