“时间飞逝”对应的英文单词有:time flies、How time flies ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
time flies乌飞兔走;时光飞逝
How time flies光阴似箭;时间过得多么快呀
随着时间的飞逝with the flight of time
时间为何飞逝Why does time fly
时间在飞逝time is passing;time flew
我们都说时间飞逝We say that time flies;We all say time flies;We all say that the time flies
时间如梭飞逝Days were slipping past
时间飞逝如梭My My Time Flies
如今时间飞逝time is all it takes
随着时间飞逝As time flies
时间飞逝法time of flight;TOF