

“陷入麻烦”对应的英文单词有:get into trouble、be in a spot ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

get into trouble出乱子;(给…)找麻烦, (使)陷入困境,被警察传讯;捅娄子;闯祸

be in a spot<;口>;处于困境之中,陷入麻烦


他陷入麻烦之中He is in trouble;He was plunged into troubled

陷入麻烦/危险get into trouble/danger

使某人陷入麻烦get sb. into trouble;involve in trouble

陷入麻烦和困境In trouble and distress;fall into troubles and difficulties

陷入麻烦的女孩Girl in Trouble

发觉自己陷入麻烦to find oneself in trouble

陷入麻烦中In trouble;Getting into trouble;Caught in trouble

陷入麻烦之中be in trouble

陷入麻烦的女人Women in Trouble