“大有可为”对应的英文单词有:be well worth doing、have a brilliant future、can accomplish great things、have bright prospects ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:
be well worth doing大有可为
have a brilliant future大有可为
can accomplish great things大有可为
have bright prospects大有可为
发展芦笋产业大有可为Farm Products Processing
我们大有可为Our bright future;We are very promising
未来大有可为Room for the Future
种草养畜禽大有可为New Rural Technology
生物农药领域大有可为China Petroleum and Chemical Industry
发展生物质能大有可为Corporate Finance
农药出口大有可为Pesticide Science and Administration
节约集约用地大有可为Natural Resource Economics of China
将来大有可为Room for the Future