“白驹过隙”对应的英文单词有:in the twinkling of an eye、a glimpse of a white colt flashing past a chink in a wall ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
in the twinkling of an eye瞬息之间;一眨眼,转眼间;刹那间;一霎之间
a glimpse of a white colt flashing past a chink in a wall白驹过隙
时光如白驹过隙Time as fleeting;Time Aug Re
宁静安详又白驹过隙Such a moment of such peace
人世如白驹过隙The world is like a fleeting show
天地巨变白驹过隙The past is gone
看时光飞逝如白驹过隙Look at how the time goes past