“掉以轻心”对应的英文单词有: s guard;be rid of sth. to lighten one';(对某种问题漫不经心, 不当回事) let down [lower] one';s heart;dismiss the thought of the matter, etc. as unworthy of further attention;take [adopt] a casual attitude 申请掉以轻心apply lightly 不掉以轻心的not light-hearted;determined 鼓掉以轻心drums lightly 掉以轻心的眼神Careless Eyes 掉以轻心的EASINESS 在危险面前掉以轻心play with fire 所以我不会掉以轻心So I won't slack 发挥掉以轻心的地球Play Lightly on the Earth 对禽流感不能掉以轻心Chinese Health Care与掉以轻心相关的短语