

“就这样”对应的英文单词有:that's it ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

that's it好了;那正是要点;那正是问题所在;够了


事情就该这样That's the way things are supposed to be

就先这样吧On first so be it;On the first well

以后就照这样做According to this later;Just do it like this;Subsequent to do as

生活就像这样cause life's like this;Life's like this you

我们就该这样thats the way it ought to be

朋友就该这样Friends of the;Friends on the way

我就想这样I want it that way

就像这样Just like that;It's like this;Just like this;How beautiful it is

你就想这样Is that what you do