

“迷恋你”对应的英文单词有:addicted to you ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

addicted to you迷恋你


还有谁比我更迷恋你Who is more obsessed with you than

唯一迷恋你Unique to crush on you

我迷恋你I am infatuated with you;I am all over you

就算迷恋你的拥抱Even if you embrace obsession;Even crush your embrace

迷恋你独Unique to crush on you;Obsessed with your unique

遗憾的是迷恋你Regret be goneon you

迷恋于你Dir verfallen und verloren

与其迷恋你id rather be alone

因为我迷恋你Cause i drowned In you;cause i've drowned in you