

“大动脉转位”对应的英文单词有:transposition of conducting arteries、transposition of the great arteries ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

transposition of conducting arteries[医]大动脉转位

transposition of the great arteries[医]大动脉转位


完全性大动脉转位complete transposition of the great arteries;Transposition of great arteries;complete transposition of great arteries;DTGA

大动脉转位术Switch;arterial switch operation

型大动脉转位D-TGA;D-transposition of the great arteries

例大动脉转位Transposition of Aorta

矫正性大动脉转位correct transposition of great arteries;CCTGA;CTGA

完全大动脉转位outflow tract reconstruction

完全型大动脉转位complete transposition of great arteries;transposition of the great arteries

大动脉转位赤字transposition deficit

矫正型大动脉转位corrected transposition of great arteries;CCTGA