

“鞠躬尽瘁”对应的英文单词有:be entirely worn out in performing one's duties、bend one's body and exhaust one's energy、bend oneself to a task and exert oneself to the utmost、bend oneself to the task unto death ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

be entirely worn out in performing one's duties鞠躬尽瘁

bend one's body and exhaust one's energy鞠躬尽瘁

bend oneself to a task and exert oneself to the utmost鞠躬尽瘁

bend oneself to the task unto death鞠躬尽瘁


鞠躬尽瘁的主人公是谁Bend is the hero who

鞠躬尽瘁.to give the last measure of devotion

鞠躬尽瘁的主人公是The main characters are fortified

李仪祉鞠躬尽瘁为抗日Shaanxi Water Resources