

“做贡献”对应的英文单词有:make a contribution to ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

make a contribution to捐赠,贡献给;为…做出贡献


为国家做贡献Make contributions to the country

为社会做贡献make contributions to the society;make a contribution to society

我想为祖国做贡献-I Want to;I Want to Do Something;I Want to Do Somet

我想为祖国做贡献I Want to Do Something;I Want to Do So;I Want to Do Something for My

一个做贡献make a contribution to doing

做一份贡献Make a contribution

你为社会做了贡献You contribute to society

对社会做贡献Make contributions to society;Do contribution to society;Contribute to society