

“在讲台上”对应的英文单词有:on the podium ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

on the podium在讲台上


十个书包在讲台上Ten bags at the rostrum

老师在讲台上讲课Teacher at the podium lectures;Teacher taught in podium;Teacher lectures on the podium

加州的众议员在讲台上The representative from California has the floor

他俩的书在讲台上They book on the podium

在讲台上有十三本书Thirteen books on the podium

不要一直呆站在讲台上move e away from the podium

十六个书包在讲台上Sixteen bags on the podium

在讲台上有十五本书Fifteen books on the podium

在老师的讲台上on the stage of teacher's