“我觉得”对应的英文单词有:It strikes me that、I think ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
It strikes me that我觉得…我的印象是…
I think我认为;我觉得;我想
我也觉得好笑I also think funnily;I also feel funny;I also think that funny;I feel funny
我要觉得i would like to feel
我是觉得铅笔I it is think pencil
我不觉得快乐I do not feel happy
我还觉得意犹未尽I Still Feel Boundless
我只觉得相见恨晚I only feel regret later
我不觉得I don't think
我不觉得更好I don't feel better
我也觉得这样I think so too