

“投资总额”对应的英文单词有:volume of total investment、aggregate investment、investment in the business、gross assets ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

volume of total investment投资总额,投资总规模

aggregate investment投资总额

investment in the business[经] 投资总额

gross assets[化] 投资总额


外汇投资总额Total FX portfolio

私人国内投资总额gross private domestic investment

租赁投资总额Gross investment in the lease

投资总额周转率equity capital turnover

外国直接投资总额stock of foreign direct investmen

国内投资总额[会计] gross domestic investment

固定资产投资总额Gross fixed asset formation

实际投资总额actural investment amount

合同投资总额Total investment amount in contract