

“纪检监察”对应的英文单词有:discipline inspection and supervision ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

discipline inspection and supervision纪检监察


论纪检监察干部Journal of Shaoyang University

纪检监察室Discipline inspection and supervision;Disciplinary inspection monitor chamber

纪检监察部门Discipline inspection and supervision departments

纪检监察体制the system of discipline supervision and inspection

纪检监察审计部Division of Supervision and Auditing

纪检监察审计处Discipline inspection & Audit Department

中央纪检监察机构central discipline inspection and supervision authorities;the discipline inspection and supervision organs of the CPC Central Committee

基层纪检监察grassroots discipline inspection and supervision

企业纪检监察the business enterprise discipline check inspects