“炸酱面”对应的英文单词有: soya bean paste noodles;sauteed noodles with minced meat;fried bean-paste noodles;fried bean sauce noodles 干炸酱面dry fried noodle with soy bean paste 港式炸酱面Hong Kong Zha Jiang Noodles 炸酱面女孩Pucca 豆丁炸酱面noodles with diced bean and meat sauce 台南炸酱面tainan noodle with spicy bean sauce 北京炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste;Beijing Bean sauce noodles;Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style 韩式炸酱面Korea Noodles with Fried Sauce;Korean noodles 清汤炸酱面BLAND MINCED PORK NOODLES 炸酱面少女PUCCA与炸酱面相关的短语