

“深化改革”对应的英文单词有:continue the reform、further the reform、deepen the reform ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

continue the reform深化改革

further the reform深化改革

deepen the reform深化改革


深化改革开放to drive the process of reform and opening up to a deeper level;deepen reform and opening up

教育深化改革Deepening Reformation of Education

深化改革扩大开放Deepening reform and opening up

深化改革加快建设China Construction Metal Structure

坚定不移地深化改革Zhejiang Today

进一步深化改革further deepening the reform

我们正在深化改革We are deepening reform;Our deepening reform

全面深化改革deepening the reform comprehensively;to deepen the reform across the board;to take comprehensive measures to continue the reform;furthering the reform;comprehensively expanding in-depth reform

不断深化改革Constantly Deepen Reforms