“税收减免”对应的英文单词有:tax deduction and exemption、tax sparing、tax exemption、tax allowance and exemption ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:
tax deduction and exemption[财]税收减免
tax sparing税收饶让
tax exemption免税
tax allowance and exemption[财]税收减免
劳动收入税收减免earned income credit
对等税收减免matching credit
老年人税收减免[税收] old person allowance
新增雇员税收减免[税收] new jobs credit
再就业税收减免reduce or exempt reemployment tax
第一年度税收减免first year allowance
劳动所得税收减免Earned Income Tax Credit;EITC
税收减免权power to render tax breaks
投资税收减免investment tax credits