“开口”对应的英文单词有:sharpen the edge of a new blade、put the first edge on a knife、start to talk、open one's mouth、hatch ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:
sharpen the edge of a new blade开口
put the first edge on a knife开口
start to talk开口
open one's mouth(非正式)开口说话;开腔
开口挡圈split washer
开口扳手[机] open spanner;Open End Wrenches;open-end spanner;[机] open-end wrench
开口刺丝囊{无脊椎} stomocnidae nematocyst
开口倒相障板{电} ported baffle
开口保险单open policy
开口粗轧孔型open roughing pass
前开口front t opening;FRONT OPENING;front placket;Front fastening
开口的[科技] open end;split;Open-ended
开口环[机] snap ring;circlip;retaining ring
开口沉箱{建} cylinder caisson;open caisson
开口笑Purcell;JACK PURCELL;CONVERSE;Fried Stuffed Bun with Sugar
黄开口Whorlleaf Loosestrife Herb;leaf Loosestrife Herb;whorlleaf loosestrife herb with root
开口系统[动力] vented system;open system
开口导缆钳open chock
开口循环[热] open cycle;cycle open;open cycle
开口槽{电} open slot
开口带线圈split thread ring
开口比aperture efficiency
开口垫圈open washer;{机} split collar
开口电路调节器open-cycle controller
开口冰斗{地质} open cirque