“长途”对应的英文单词有: long-distance 长途搬运公司van line 长途调度台trunk dispatcher switchboard 长途控制Remote control 长途电信telecommunication 长途半自动出中继器outgoing trunk circuit to semiautomatic toll exchange 长途跋涉trek;tramp;trudge;go trekking 长途半自动接续台toll switchboard for semiautomatic operation 长途出局记发器register for outgoing trunk to toll office 超长途ULH 国内长途Domestic long distance;Domestic toll call;domestic direct dial;toll call 长途登陆Telnet 长途服务toll service 长途飞行long-range flight 长途查询台toll information board 长途公共汽车intertown bus;greyhound 长途中心toll center;toll office 长途电缆toll cable;long distance cable 长途插入终接器{信} trunk-offering final selector 长途呼叫trunk call;Long distance call;[通信] long toll call;long trunk call 长途配线架trunk distribution frame 长途直拨direct distance dialing;DDD;DDD DirectDistanceDialing 长途拨号系统toll dialing system 长途半自动接续semiautomatic toll dialling与长途相关的短语