“党委书记”对应的英文单词有:secretary of the party committee ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
secretary of the party committee[法]党委书记
学院党委书记College party secretary;College Party Committee Secretary;College party secretaries
国资委党委书记The SASAC party secretaries;Party secretary of SASAC
机关党委书记办公室Office of the Secretary of;Office including secretaries
党委书记室Party Secretary;Party committee production room;Room Secretaries
南宁卷烟厂党委书记Nanning Cigarette Factory;nanning cigarette factory party secretaries
党委书记办公室Party secretary Office
我们永远党委书记Our forever party chief
我们永远的党委书记Our forever party chief
北方公司党委书记Company Secretaries North;Northern party secretary