“国际收支”对应的英文单词有:balance of payments、international balance of payment ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
balance of payments贸易支付差额;国际收支
international balance of payment[财]国际收支
国际收支情况external payments situation
国际收支逆差balance of payments deficit;international payment deficit;unfavorable balance payments
国际收支弹性理论Elasticitics Approach
国际收支账户balance of payments account
国际收支平衡Balance of payments;a balanced BOP account;balance of international payments;Balance of Payments Statement
国际收支差额[金融] balance of international payments;balance of payments;international balance of payment;balance of payment
国际收支顺差balance of payments surplus;international payments surplus;active balance of payments;favorable balance of payments
国际收支帐户balance of payments accounts
国际收支不平衡disequilibrium of balance of payments;balance of payments disequilibria
国际收支往来账户current account of balance-of-payments
国际收支结构Balance of Payments Structure
国际收支纪律balance of payments discipline
国际收支的困难payments problems
国际收支危机international payments crisis
国际收支调整balance-of-payment adjustments
国际收支地位balance of payments position
国际收支状况capital account of balance-of-payments
国际收支平衡理论Balance Theory of International Payment
国际收支平衡表Balance of Payments Statement;balance of international payments
国际收支资本账户capital account of balance-of-payments