

“成因类型”对应的英文单词有:genetic type ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

genetic type成因类型


煤成因类型genetic types of coal

沙丘间成因类型interdune genetic type

金矿主要成因类型main genetic types of gold ore deposits

湖盆成因类型genetic types of lake basin

矿床成因类型genetic type of ore deposit;genetic types of mineral deposits;genetic type

铅锌矿床成因类型genesis type of lead and zinc deposit

岩浆成因类型magmatic genetic types

盆地成因类型basin genetic type

油气成因类型origin type;genetic type of hydrocarbon;petroleum genetic types;genetic type of oil and gas

构造成因类型tectonic-genetic types