

“在抽屉里”对应的英文单词有:in the drawer ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

in the drawer在抽屉里


他们的橡皮擦在抽屉里Their erasers in the drawer

在在抽屉里Drawer;In the drawer

他们在抽屉里Them in a drawer;They are in a drawer;They are in the drawer

她的照片在抽屉里Her picture in a drawer;Her photo in a drawer

在抽屉里的勺子spoons in the drawer

我的包在抽屉里My bag in the drawer;My bag in a drawer

它在抽屉里It in a drawer

戒指在抽屉里Ring in the drawer;ring in a drawer

那些表在抽屉里Those tables in the drawer