“爱好广泛”对应的英文单词有:have a wide range of hobbies ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
have a wide range of hobbies爱好广泛
个人兴趣爱好广泛Personal interests broad
爱好广泛的人man of versatile tastes
他的爱好广泛His peace-loving broad;His hobbies;His hobbies are widely
他学习努力、爱好广泛He studied hard, like an extensive;He learning efforts, peace-loving broad;He studied hard, hobbies;He studies diligently, the hobby widely
我的爱好广泛My broad hobby;My hobbies;My hobbies extensive
他爱好广泛His love for extensive;His hobbies;He loves extensive
爱好广泛几年级Extensive several grade-loving
他学习很努力爱好广泛He studied very hard hobbies
她爱好很广泛She likes a wide range