“跟着感觉走”对应的英文单词有:Just Go With It ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
Just Go With It[电影]随波逐流;冒牌妻子;跟着感觉走
跟着心里的感觉走Follow your heart feeling;followed by heart feeling
现在我裙子跟着感觉走Now I know to let my feelings go
使感觉跟着走Make Feelings Follow
我任凭自己跟着感觉走Dare I follow my heart
跟着你的感觉走Want you feel me now
跟着顾客的感觉走Lewis Carbone
跟着自己的感觉走Follow your own feeling;Follow their own instincts;follow their feeling
我就跟着感觉走I flow through my act