

“学生应该”对应的英文单词有:students should be ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

students should be学生应该


学生应该努力学习Students must work hard at his study;Students should study hard

学生应该帮助老师Students should help teachers;Teachers should help students

学生应该珍惜时When students should value;When a student should cherish;Students should appreciate the time

外国学生应该知道International Students Should Know

三好学生应该是Triple-A Student

学生应该吃苦耐劳Students should work hard;Students should bear;Students should be physically tough

我认为学生应该穿I think students should wear

学生应该认真记笔记Students should seriously take notes;Students should carefully jotted down

学生应该上课回答问题School students should answer questions