

“购买力平价”对应的英文单词有:purchasing power parity ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

purchasing power parity购买力平价


购买力平价说Purchasing Power Parity;Theory of Purchasing Power Parity;Purchasing Power Parity Theory;PPP

购买力平价学说theory of Purchasing power parity;purchasing power parity doctrine

间接购买力平价indirect purchasing-power parities

购买力平价指数purchasing power perity;PPP

购买力平价理论Purchasing Power Parity;Theory of Purchasing Power Parity;Purchasing Power Parity Theory;purchase power parity

购买力平价之谜PPP puzzle

绝对购买力平价absolute purchasing power parity;absolute version of PPP;Absolute Purchasing Parity;Absolute PPP

购买力平价偏离misalignments from ppp

购买力平价指标Purchasing Power Parities;PPPS