

“我害羞”对应的英文单词有:i'm shy. ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

i'm shy.我害羞


我有点害羞I'm a little shy;I am a bit shy

被你说的我都害羞了Are you saying I'm shy;You said I was shy

你使我很害羞You make me shy;You make me very shy

我很害羞i am shy;I am very shy

我不害羞i am not shy

我太害羞了I'm too shy

我太害羞而不敢去问ShaneI'm too shy to ask;I'm too shy to ask

我在害羞I am shy;I'm shy;I am feel ashamed

我太害羞而不敢提问I'm too shy to ask