

“过境”对应的英文单词有:transit、pass through the territory of a country、be in transit ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:


pass through the territory of a country[法]过境

be in transit[法]过境


过境税transit duty

过境权right of passage

过境签证transit visa

过境风passage winds

过境货物transit cargo;transit [floating] goods

过境货品goods in transit;Transit cargo;goods in tra it

过境国TRANSIT THROUGH COUNTRY;State of transit;transit State;transit country

过境贸易transit trade

过境运输Transit Transport;transit

过境单据[税收] transit document

气旋过境passing of a cyclone

过境仓储transit warehousing

过境车辆[车辆] transit vehicle

过境报关单transit declaration

过境交通through traffic;cross-border traffic;transit traffic;[交] through traffic

过境条件terms in transit

过境旅客temporary visitor;transit passenger

过境路线[交] through route