

“别客气”对应的英文单词有:you're welcome、Not at all ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

you're welcome不用客气

Not at all一点也不,根本不


朋友妻别客气My Best Friend's Wife;L'amico del cuore

别太客气Don't be too polite;Do not be polite

请进别客气Come in and make yourself at home

请别客气make oneself comfortable;Please make yourself at home;Bedien dich

用法]别客气make yourself at home

请便/别客气Be my guest

你别客气You don't kind words;You don't mention it;You're welcome

别那么客气了Do not be so polite;Don't be so kind

请便、别客气Be my guest