“银行存款”对应的英文单词有:bank account、bank deposits、bank deposit、credit、cash in bank ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:
bank account银行存款;银行往来账
bank deposits银行存款;银行存款总额
bank deposit银行存款
cash in bank银行存款
已保险银行存款[金融] insured bank deposits
个人银行存款证明bank deposit Certificate
银行存款保险法[法] bank deposit insure act;Bank Deposit Insurance Act
银行存款的增加inflow of bank deposit;[金融] inflow of bank deposits
出口银行存款export credit
银行存款准备金reserve requirement;Deposit Reserve Requirement
现金及银行存款[金融] cash and deposits with banks
在银行存款In bank deposits;lodge money in a bank;put money in a bank
银行存款证明Bank Certificate;Certificate of Deposit;Bank Statement;Banking Deposits